Check out this short and informative video to find out more about us and about each type of relevant lots. You will learn a lot of interesting facts about the game in just a couple of minutes and get recommendations on productive work with the Click-to-buy platform. Basic tactics and professional advice will allow you to create your own unique trading strategy. Enjoy your viewing!
and how does it work?
Instant registration
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Earn by playing
Buy a lot and get instant income. A small but very nice bonus, as well as the principal amount of the deposit, will be credited to your balance immediately after the purchase.
Get rewarded after buying the last lot from the series. The interest is accrued and the principal amount of the deposit is repaid automatically when all lots of the series are sold out, or 6 hours after the purchase
Your reward will be credited one day after the lot purchase. The amount of income and working hours for each deposit are strictly limited.
The interest and the principal amount of the deposit are credited to the user's account exactly 72 hours after the lot purchase. User earns the most profitable bonus for a long wait.
Everyone can play the Click-to-Buy game. Join a fascinating auction and earn your first income now.
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Referral link
High referral %
Even more earnings

available 8/10
lot id 379641lot price, ltc
total return 0.841372
available 1/14
lot id 918683lot price, usd
total return 10.06
available 4/7
lot id 384175lot price, rub
total return 3831.09

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While you think, others are already earning by purchased lots!